
Welcome to Selah in the Midst. I created this as a creative outlet for some of my writing that comes out of moments of pausing in the midst of it all. They are moments of intimacy and of vulnerability. Life carries many uncertainties, but there is one certainty I have come to know. I hope that in my words, in my truth, you find that same thing.

Panel 1


In a foreword on one of the most prolific and important poets of our age: TS Elliot, Craig Raine perfectly captured how I feel about poetry,prose and the “formulated phrase”. Its why, even though my writing is imperfect and a far cry from the likes of Elliot, I feel compelled to write and why the use of words in and of themselves, are one of my most treasured forms of expression.

“Poetry is written out of the true self, in all its complexity in all it saving incoherence its authentic internal contradictions, its existential candour, a self utterly remote from the self deduced by the world, the glib caricature we recognise reflected in the eyes of others…” ~Craig Raine

Panel 2


This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form. I would love to make this a collective space. So please feel free too email me with some of your art, in whatever form. And I would love to incorporate your selah moments here too.